Photonic quantum computers

Photonic quantum computers
A photonic quantum computer is an implementation of boson sampling, which is based on passing single photons through an optical setup with parametrized gates.
The intersection of optical paths and phase changes of particles allows for the generation of quantum superposition and the creation of highly entangled states even for a small number of photons. Reading the result involves sampling the probability distribution by measuring the number of photons in each of the single-photon detectors at the output of the system.
of photonic
Photonic quantum computers based on photonic technologies bring several highly desirable features, such as scalability, due to the parallel development of classical photonics—a well-developed industrial sector. They also have the ability to perform computations at room
temperature and the potential to be integrated into hybrid architectures, thanks to the evolving field of photonic-based quantum communication. In the near future, they can be used for optimization and machine learning-assisted calculations.